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5.0 out of 5 stars  This is bare-knuckle truth of the soul, told with humor, humility, and excellent craft.  April 24, 2018  Bob Olofson  Format: Paperback

     I truly love this book! It has that special sweetness that only comes with having hit absolute rock bottom, and not just surviving, but discovering a whole new self, one day at a time.  I've known Margot and two of her brothers for almost 40 years, and am astounded to find this person I'd never imagined in her book! It's also amazing to discover how much we have in common; depression, alcoholism, extreme adventures in teens and 20's that we survived only by grace and battalions of guardian angels. Not exactly an easy read in some places, but that's what keeps it real, and totally worth it. I think there are a lot of people out there who will appreciate this truth, and knowing that we're not alone.  A dang good yarn for anybody's dime! 


5.0 out of 5 stars  This story of Margot's life is fascinating and illuminating. June 7, 2018 Format: Kindle Edition  Tom66

This story of Margot's life is fascinating and illuminating. It is one of those rare books that is both enjoyable and really difficult to put down once you start. Not only is it well written in a way that is compelling, her thoughts and insights often make you take an in-depth look at your own life. Margot repeatedly expresses her desire to write a narrative with meaning. In that she has most definitely succeeded. 



5.0 out of 5 stars  A compelling true story  May 3, 2018  Format: Paperback

Full disclosure - I am the narrator of the audiobook version of this wonderful memoir. Believe me when I tell you that some books are more enjoyable to narrate than others - and this one was a great read.
Margot’s story is so compelling that I was proud to “be” her while narrating this journey through alcoholism, mental illness, and family dysfunction to self-discovery, recovery, acceptance, and love – centered around the true story of her 18-month employment as a female long-haul truck driver c1980. Wow! I had never known what the life of a trucker was like. Her road trip taught me to look at the trucks on the road with new respect and understanding .
   Margot also beautifully describes her alcoholism, bipolar disorder, mental breakdown and resulting psychiatric hospitalization – and honestly describes her own life choices (including initial skepticism about AA) and lessons. All along the way, she discovers her own sheltered early experience and learns from every colorful character she meets, inside and outside of her long-haul truck.

What a marvelous book! Peter Stekel  Format: Paperback  Margot Genger has written a memoir that focuses on the brief time she worked as a long-haul trucker. She leads the reader through the basics of the truck-driving life while always focusing on the people she meets, friends she makes, and the life-lessons she learns. Her prose is simple and plain and this helps move the story forward without overwrought sentimentality. Yes; she describes hard and difficult times and places in her life where she made foolish or wrong decisions. At times she is brutally honest with herself and some passages can be painful to read. But, no; she doesn't wind up explaining it all away with pop psychology.    



5.0 out of 5 stars I loved this book  June 8, 2018  Carolyn Ayres  Format: Paperback

I loved this book. I admit I am biased having grown up in Eureka but this was a flat out, honest take on Life in all it gore and joy. I will never look at one of those big trucks the same again. And, I will be very curious as to who is driving and their story. Wow! Congrats on a great book.   

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